Posted 4 years ago by Andrey Pechatnikov

Released version 2.33.3. Apps: POS, mPOS, Menu, Kiosk, Global kiosk1 min read

POS, mPOS, Menu, Kiosk, Global kiosk

  1. Implemented pagination on Transaction Screen – improved loading and fixed timeout issue.
  2. Fixed Authorisation error appearing on PIN screen
  3. Added refund for Authorisation for Magensa.
  4. Added reprint in actions on Order History screen for Voided or Forcibly closed orders.
  5. Added ability to change Delivery Charge on payment screen  (Button Delivery Charge on Payment screen for Delivery order).
  6. Removed autologout from Payment, CC and Signature screens.
  7. Added search input to QSR mode.
  8. Fixed crashes.

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